Tengu Technologies
This page is not under construction, it has just not yet been elevated to its full potential.
A collection of HOWTO documents that I have written.
- Flash
A collection of Flash files I have made.
- Projects
Some of the software projects that I am working on.
- AusRPGer
The alter ego of Leefe Hicks that is involved in the management of Australian role playing sites.
- Gordon P.I.
The professional investigations agency of Mr Gordon. An element of the Sin-City LARP.
- Tarot
Information about my character Tarot on the MUD DarkWind. As well as a collection of information for players.
External Links
- A collection of links
Links to a variety of things, including sites with information about domain names, technology issues and Tengu.
- Wyvern
My old site. This site has been updated a little, but some of the information on it is a little dated. Still contains some things not incorporated into the new site.